Monday, December 6, 2010

A Few Things I Want You To Be Aware Of...

1) Just because you CAN wear leggings ...doesn't mean you should.

2) There is not any event, in the ENTIRE world that would require me to be on my cell phone while in the office public bathroom.


3) Also? If there are 12 other open stalls in said bathroom there is ABSOLUTELY no reason for you to choose the one directly next to mine.

and last but not least...

4) Snow is not a new phenomenon in CNY. Quit driving like you all had frontal lobotomies this summer for Christ's sake!


johannaknip said...

I hate bathroom chatters. I always want to make arm farts like a pre-teen just to let the person on the other end of the phone know where thier beloved/bff/client is talking to them from.

And picking the stall next to me? It's almost as annoying as sitting right next to/in front of me in an empty theater. Ugh.

Ashley said...

Ha, so true! Love the leggings bit. :)

Maggie said...

There was a lady next to me yesterday who was blabbing on her phone and then realized she was out of toilet paper. She put the person on hold and said "Yoohoo, can you pass some tp?" I ignored her. I so badly wanted to say use your phone.

Barbara said...

This had me cracking up from the very first line!