Thank God it's Friday. Truer words may never have been spoken. At least not after this week. Phew.
Wait, strike that.
THANK GOD there's wine.
That's better.
Hope you all had a wonderful week and a great weekend lined up. It's supposed to be gorgeous in CNY (read: not snowing) and I can't wait.
This weeks Follow Friday featured blogger is my very dear friend Myndi. Myndi, like last weeks featured blogger Allison, is part of our Knaughty Knotties group that has been together for many, many years.
Do you have one of those friends that you look at and hear their stories and just think "Man, what an awesome life?"
This is how I feel every.single.time. I talk with Myndi. Living in Chicago, traveling abroad, a husband in law school, ridiculously talented in everything she touches...and? Girl can throw a dinner party like nobodies business.
I've had the distinct pleasure of sharing several beers and a bottle of wine with Myn, and I love her dearly.
Oh yeah...and her blog? Genius. There really aren't enough words in my limited vocabulary to describe just how much I enjoy it. I hope you do too.
So, here you are, my Follow Friday featured blogger: Myndi from the naming of things. GO give her some comment love. You won't regret it.
Who are you (name/blog/things we should know)?
Hi. My name is Myndi and I blog here: the naming of things. I live in Chicago with my brilliant husband, Charlie. He is in his last year of law school and I work as a Senior Editor for a publishing firm. I love to create things. Whether it’s in kitchen, at my desk, or behind the camera lens, I take great pleasure in the creative process. I am blessed with a wonderful family and great friends. I look forward to the future chapters of our lives when we will start a family and take on the next great adventure.
What got you started blogging and what do you blog about?
I started blogging back in 2002 when blogging wasn’t even a proper term. I was in college and needed a quiet place to record my thoughts. Since then life has changed dramatically, though my blog has remained a pretty consistent place. It is still that quiet corner I can go to record my thoughts. I can also share my favorite recipes, photographs, and art. I include a little of everything.
If you were another person would you be friends with you?
I sure hope so! I really cherish my friends and love the opportunity to make them feel as loved as I do.
What is your dream concert to attend?
Only one? So hard to choose! Miles Davis in 1959? The Beatles on their final tour in 1966? The Velvet Underground & Nico in 1967? Woodstock? I don’t think I can choose one!
What famous people, alive or dead, would make the cut for your awesome dinner party guest list?
Jimi Hendrix? He might light a guitar on fire and that could be pretty entertaining. Truman Capote? He’d be sure to have all of the gossip and would probably make a mean cocktail. Then again Shakespeare would have some good stories to share.
Other than Taking It One Step at a Time, what are some of your favorite blogs?
I geek out over fashion and love to get inspired at The Sartorialist: http://thesartorialist.blogspot.com/
For cooking ideas, I love to head over to Smitten Kitchen: http://smittenkitchen.com/
Can’t wait for her cookbook to be published!
I love all things design and am constantly decorating and redecorating the rooms of our apartment. Design Sponge is a great source of inspiration: http://www.designspongeonline.com/
My friend Channing is an incredible photographer. I love to look at his work: http://www.channingjohnsonblog.com/
If you’re like me and love Etsy but get overwhelmed when you start browsing the site, head over to Poppytalk Handmade. Poppytalk Handmade sorts through Etsy and features the best of the best each month. I usually stop over each month and get a head start on my holiday shopping: http://poppytalkhandmade.com/
Hope you have a great weekend readers - remember, I'm looking for more featured bloggers so contact me to get on the calendar!
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