Well we made it. I hope we did any way. Sorry it has been so quiet here this week. Between me being sick, work and, oh yeah the whole family thing it has been a bit crazed.
But never fear, it is Friday and I am here!
This weeks featured blogger for Follow Friday is a very dear friend of mine. Allison and I met on theknot.com when we were planning our weddings. Yes, THAT long ago. Her and I {and several other Knaughty Knotties} have been email corresponding for years and have even had the pleasure to meet each other {some more than others}.
Allison is also a former New Yorker, and though she hates to admit it, one day she WILL live right down the thruway from me. I foresee it, so it will be.
When she isn't taking care of her absolutely stunning toddler and her amazingly talented husband she is a fantastically talented writer and makes me laugh on a daily basis.
Now, if only she would come to her senses and realize that the entire contents of her closet should be shipped to Syracuse that would be perfection. {Seriously. It's THAT drool-worthy}
So my dears, here it is, a little look into Allison from Notorious ABZ. Go check her out, you won't regret it.
Who are you (name/blog/things we should know)?
Oh honey, I wish I knew who I was. It’s an ongoing project. I like to swear and I like to eat cheese; does that help?
My blog is notoriousabz.blogspot.com, a title I chose long before I had any idea what I’d blog about or who might read it. But I do love hot tubs, Cristal and smoking L’s, and I like to think of myself as freestyling my way through life, so the name has stayed. I’d never put grape jelly on a steak, though. That’s going too far.
I’m a wife, a mom, a freelance writer and a hopeless over thinker. I grew up in NY but now I live in Florida. When I’m not swearing or eating cheese I can usually be found engaged in any number of situation comedy styled misadventures or running around trying to keep the sky from falling. Which means I’m rarely at a loss for blog topics, so there’s that.
What got you started blogging and what do you blog about?
I got started because I didn’t have a job and I had tons of free time. Makes you wonder what would have happened if I’d just taken myself to the movies once in a while, doesn’t it?
Sometimes my blogs are personal and nice. Sometimes I just blog about shit like gum. It’s a mixed bag.
If you were another person would you be friends with you?
Hell motherfucking yes. I’m loyal and generous and occasionally very funny, and I’m one hell of a cook. I won’t help you move but I’ll rewrite your resume, and when I’m not broke I will totally bail you out of jail. Plus I have a side business as a baker so if cookies are what you’re in to…
You are (willingly) being sent to a deserted island for two weeks and can only bring two items with you (not people). What are they and why?
Sunscreen and a loaded Kindle, one that would never run out of juice. Incidentally, is this an option? Because it’s starting to sound sort of wonderful.
If you could only keep one piece of clothing or accessory in your closet, what would it be?
There’s a really big ladder in there right now and we use it a lot, so it might have to be that. But if you’re strict about this clothes and accessories thing, then I guess…I have no idea. Because who wears just one thing? Where am I going in my velvet blazer and no pants? We might be at this for a while. Who can choose between Gucci and Vuitton? Certainly not me. Can’t we just pick a favorite from each category? Pants, sweaters, sweaterpants, dresses, dress pants, shirts…
Okay, okay. I have a super short black cotton/silk shirt dress from Club Monaco that I know I’ll never be able to find in a store ever again. It’s sick and it fits even when I put on or lose weight, and it’s never going out of style. It also just came back from the drycleaner so it’s at the front of my brain. I’ll go with that. For now. Since you’re limiting me. Why are you so mean? What kind of friend sends me to a deserted island and takes away my clothes? No cookies for you. And you can rot in jail for all I care.
Other than Taking It One Step at a Time, what are some of your favorite blogs?
Myndi at myndidevore.blogspot.com has beautiful photos and lots of lovely writing, and Jen Lancaster at jennsylvania routinely makes me laugh out loud.. Also, thisisyardsale.blogspot.com is my extremely talented cousin, and I love seeing what she’s doing. She is going to fill my house with art one day. Also, my husband is doing Project 365 through his blog at dreamshopdigitalarts.blogspot.com
There you have it readers...another fantastic Follow Friday being wrapped up. I'm in the process of filling the calendar for Follow Friday so if you have a blog that you would like featured (even your own!) contact me and we'll get it rocking!
Have a great weekend!
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