Well, here we are, another work week over and done with. I hope you all made it without too many mishaps.
This week I'd like to introduce you all to my friend Stephanie who blogs over at The Brunette Foodie. When Stephanie isn't juggling work and a newborn she is trying out new recipes and sharing them, step-by-step with her readers.

I can say from personal experience that her Stove Top Macaroni and Cheese is to DIE for. Even picky-pants Randy agrees.
On top of the great recipes, etiquette tips and the adorable pictures of the newest addition to the family she also has these great Menu Plans that are awesome inspiration when you are in a food rut.
So, without further ado I give you a little snippet of The Brunette Foodie herself. Go check her out.
Who are you (name/blog/things we should know)?
My name is Stephanie. I write The Brunette Foodie {link: http://www.thebrunettefoodie.com}. I love ice cream and garlic. Not together.
You can also find me on Twitter {@slsears758} and on Facebook {The Brunette Foodie}.
What got you started blogging and what do you blog about?
A friend of mine kept emailing me for recipes, and finally she said “if you would just start a blog I could stop bothering you.” So I did. I mostly write up recipes for everything from cookies to lasagnas to side dishes. Sometimes I force people to read about my personal life.
If you were another person would you be friends with you?
Tricky. Probably yes, but not on my moody days.
Do you have a “signature dish” and if so what is it?
I make killer lasagnas. All sorts: veggie, traditional, summer, etc. It’s the Italian thing.
What is one of your favorite foods to cook/bake?
Cakes. I am horrible at icing, but I figure compulsive baking is a way to improve that. So far it hasn’t.
Other than Taking It One Step at a Time, what are some of your favorite blogs?
Cakespy {link: http://www.cakespy.com}
Brown Eyed Baker {link: http://www.browneyedbaker.com}
Smitten Kitchen {link: http://www.smittenkitchen.com}
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New Follower From Follow Friday Blog Hope.
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