Happy Friday!
First and foremost I would like to wish my Gram a Happy 75th Birthday. I love you Gram and can't wait to see you tonight!
As many of you know, this week has been a bit crazy for me. I'm in the process of changing jobs {yeah!!} and getting ready for a 10 hour car ride with Randy and Keagan next week to see my family in Virginia.
Yes. 10 hours. In a car. With them. {oy}
I hope you have all had great weeks and have a wonderful weekend planned out. I've got some fantastic guest bloggers to cover for me next week while I'm away and I hope you check them out!
Also, don't forget to enter the EcoMom $15 Gift Card giveaway! It closes Monday night so don't delay!
Today I have a downright celebrity as my featured Follow Friday blogger.

I knew "Blair" before she hit the big time of the blog-o-sphere ~ it's amazing the people you meet just by chatting together on boards meant for baby talk {and FYI, baby talk may be like 25% of what the conversations usually revolve around.} Her quick wit, her honesty and humor made her an obvious match as a friend. Plus, she seems like someone that can mix a mean gin and tonic {total speculation of course}.
I'm glad to have "met" her and I'm stoked she has remembered the "little people" {pssst...that's me!}.
So, here she is Heir to Blair herself ~ go check her out.
Who are you (name/blog/things we should know)?
I’m Blair.
Not really. I’m Beth Anne. But I write under the name “Blair.” At first it was to keep the crazies at bay & be anonymously awesome, but now it’s just habit.
& I write The Heir to Blair. Which is about having heirs. You know, that darling blonde rugrat that runs circles around me. I wrote about getting pregnant, being pregnant, & now I write about motherhood.
What got you started blogging and what do you blog about?
I started blogging in 2008 as a way to talk about my uterus without people giving me funny looks. I needed an outlet for the jumbled mess in my head that surrounded pregnancy & motherhood.
I’ve blogged about everything from pregnancy to thongs to postpartum depression to mom jeans. No topic is off-limits & I try to stay relevant & self-deprecating at all times.
If you were another person would you be friends with you?
Because I have a ridiculous laugh & I’m always good for a coffee date & a cupcake. Also? I trip a lot. So being my friend will make you feel exceptionally graceful.
You are forced to become a “Damn Yankee.” What are two things you, as a Southern Belle, would insist on bringing to the north (customs, foods, manners, etc.)?
Say it isn’t so!! The first I would insist upon is the phrase “Bless your heart,” which can cover everything from “I’m sorry your dog just died” to “You got a new job!” to “F*ck you.” It’s very versatile & always appropriate.
& Northerner’s don’t know the healing powers of a properly prepared hushpuppy dipped in butter.
What has been one of your “Aha! I’ve finally figured it out.” mom moments to date?
It’s honestly been a long, hard road to any kind of “aha!” mom moment. But I would say my most recent was the other evening – Nate was working late & the sun was shining. I really wasn’t in the mood to go to the park after an hour-long commute – I just wanted to go home, put on yoga pants, & pour a glass of wine. But I knew Harrison would enjoy some time in the swings, so I pulled into our local park & spent 20 minutes pushing him. It completely lifted my heart & made me realize that THIS is what motherhood is about sometimes – the tiny selfless acts all to see my child smile. That’s what makes me a good mom at the end of the day.
Other than Taking It One Step at a Time, what are some of your favorite blogs?
Ohh, this is a good one & also my least-favorite, because I am sure I will leave someone out. & I read a lot of blogs – you kind of have to, in our little community. It’s the best part of being a blogger.
The Bloggess – She is simply split-your-sides funny. & she gives good hugs.
Harper’s Happenings – Narwhals, wine, & basically the greatest Tweeter in the universe with one damn cute kid.
The Outdoor Wife – I’ve known Nish for going on 15 years now & she’s like a breath of fresh air for the soul, both in-person & on the webs.
Exploits of a Military Momma – She is the epitome of strength, loyalty, & class.
Lauren from Texas – Lauren is like sunshine in my Google Reader.
The818 – Funny, heartfelt, genuine. She’s the real deal.
The Nester – Please come decorate my house. Thank you.
All Work & No Play Makes Momma Go Something-Something – One of my PPD warrior mommas that faces it head-on with hilarity.
Annie’s Eats – I am amazed by her talent on a daily basis.
I feel flushed just being {thisclose} to stardom. {giggle}
Happy Friday and cheers.
I adore BA. She's amazing and so much fun in person. My e-bestie.
Glad to have found your blog, as well! Come visit me sometime :) http://exploitsofamilitarymama.com
I am blushing FEROCIOUSLY.
Blair rocks.. ;)
Love your blog, Blair. Love love love your writing style. And love that I get to hang with you in person on occasion. Woot!
Melissa {adventuroo}
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